With Kamal’s Dasavatharam, ready and hitting the theatres next week, Ulaganayagan Kamal Hassan has already started work on his next movie Marma Yogi. Kamal Hassan is said to have started pre-production work on his new film Marmayoghi, which he is directing and producing. Since it is big budget movie, he is in talks with other production houses to co-produce the movie with him.
Talks are on to finalise the rest of the crew for Marma Yoghi. Rumor is that he has already contacted Bollywood actress Kajol, to play the heroine in this film and the music is by A.R Rahman.
Marmayogi is said to be a historical adventure romantic film with an ‘A’ list of actors. The rest of the cast and crew are being worked out.
Chennai365 wishes Kamal all the best for his next venture Marma Yogi